What a lovely morning (again). Only 84 degrees but 60% humidity. Oh well....at least we're not sweltering (yet).
I think Don has replaced more sprinkler heads this summer than ever before. They pop off and spray all over everywhere.

Things were pretty quiet on our tour. We 'peeked' into the new pottery area.
I think Don has replaced more sprinkler heads this summer than ever before. They pop off and spray all over everywhere.
Things were pretty quiet on our tour. We 'peeked' into the new pottery area.
It's too soon to tell what's really happening but there is always a lot of "behind the walls and above the ceiling" work to be done when changes are made.
We walked around by the fitness center and took some weird pictures. You have to study these for a while to figure them out because of all the mirrors.
Dave was really busy and devoted to his job yesterday. He got this beautiful blue base applied to all four courts....single handedly.
The new vines along the sidewalk by the pool are growing fast. I'm sure all the delicious rain water we've gotten has helped them along.
We walked back to our golf cart to find this white wing dove guarding our transportation. Thank you, Mr. Dove.
Speaking of doves, I have a nice photo of an Eurasian dove perched atop the pump house with a pretty sky behind him. The Eurasian doves have that black ring around their neck.
That's all I have to report today......but am posting a couple miscellaneous photos anyway. We sure live in a lovely resort!! When you come back this fall, take time to just sit and look around you. These tall palms are always beautiful against the summer sky.....and you're sure to spot the acorn woodpeckers soaring from one tree to the other.
Have a SAFE Labor Day weekend.