It was such a welcome relief to go outdoors without the triple digit blast of hot air this morning so I took a nice long cart ride around the park. We had a little bit of wind with the “storm” last night so I went around to check all our houses. All I found was one tipped over flower pot that was easy to fix and make sure the sprinkler hose was back in and secure.
It is so amazing to me to watch our landscape crew in action. There is an endless plethora of trimming and weeding and sprinkler maintenance to tend. I took a few pictures this morning to share with you readers so you realize how much work goes into keeping our park beautiful. The bushes get whacked down in the summer so they are all perky and bounced back when our winter folks return.
Weeds are a major problem with all the acreage to cover. The little spray trucks have been very busy day after day keeping troublesome growth under control.
This was my favorite photo of the day as I captured this white-winged dove on our new statue by the rose garden.
Did you know that a dove is the only bird that can drink straight from a puddle without having to tip its head back to swallow?
Did you know that we have basically two different kinds of doves here? The typical one is the mourning dove with its real soft cooing sound. The white-wing dove, however, has a different call and sorta sounds like an owl. In “people speak” it sounds like “Who cooks for you, who cooks for you” as opposed to the mourning dove that sounds like “ooahoo oo oo oo”. Okay….stop laughing…I copied that out of my bird book! The mourning dove has black spots on its upper wing. The white-wing dove has a black ring or mark by its neck, plain light gray-brown wings with a conspicuous white line along the edge of its closed wing. It also has conspicuous white patches across the center of its wings when it flies.
Mourning Dove
White-winged dove