Another tree on the 7th fairway was removed for the benefit of the golfers. Bill says it will make them happy.
We’re also getting new plants outside the front office entrance. Very nice improvement!
Plus a nice big Hong Kong Orchid Tree was placed in the big round planter by the front doors. It is supposed to get beautiful big flowers.
I also saw another new park model home placed on site 456 with a nice “sold” sign in the window. Congratulations to the new owners…whoever they may be.
Here’s the nice paving stones by the entrance to #1 at the golf course. More landscaping is planned in this area.
It was interesting to watch a motor home with mechanical problems being picked up for repair so we watched as it was loaded onto a truck.
We also made a visit to the new Chick-Fill-A restaurant located at the mall. It is located very near Eye Masters so the parking is a little tricky….but that may be just because there were so many people present for the grand opening.
One more subject before I leave you for this post: Spiders!! Some people opt not to have an exterminator come to spray their site during summer. I approached one of my housewatch places and just backed away until I could go home to get a big broom or something to clear the way. I tried to get a close up shot of just one corner of the entranceway. The door was so thick with spider webs in just one month…there was no way I was going to open that door in its present condition.
Thank you one and all for coming to read “The Blog”.