Sunday, May 31, 2020

First Haboob Storm of the Season

We had a very unexpected haboob type storm last night with plenty of gray blowing dust followed by a brief strong RAIN.  Haven't seen rain in months so it was rather a treat except today we now suffer in 23% humidity.  We are NOT used to that.  This morning at 9:30 it is already 95.  We're still under the excessive heat warning so are expecting another 110+ day.  It seems kind of early for this weather!

I didn't take a photo during the storm but it did have some brief strong wind as evidenced by the street corner light pole that blew down.  Although when you take a close look at the rusted base, I can understand why it went over so easy.

This was at the corner of Mulligan and Cole Circle by the dog run and tennis courts.

It broke off right at ground level.  I'm glad APS was able to replace the one on our corner a few weeks ago.

It has been so nice to have Tom and Bev Gottfried still here for the summer as Tom keeps experimenting with the big macro lens for his camera.  He recently sent me these two flower photos:

The amazing part of the story is that these are close ups of THIS flower!

As you look at the tip of the stalk, you can see how TINY these flowers are.  That camera lens is quite impressive!! I laughed at Tom's story as he said he tried to get the original photo using his tripod out in the rock garden but had such a hard time getting the camera set up and leaning over to get to the lens.  Finally he just cut off the stem and took it inside for a better close up.  

This proves that the tiny insects and bees get quite a different view of a flower than we do.

The HEAT is the main topic for us this week.  We feel sorry for our little hummingbirds as they sit with their beaks wide open to pant and breath in this hot weather.  This little guy sits on my plant right outside the living room window so we watch him all day as he comes and goes to chase the other birds away.  It certainly provides entertainment for the cats!

When Mouse wants peace and quiet, he curls up in Don's closet.  Sleep tight little one.