Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Food Truck info, weeds, greens, cats, flute music

Thank you to Mary Hanson and Judy Tawney for entertaining us  and sharing their talent with their flute music!  It was fun entertainment.

Neighbors gathered to watch....all socially distant from each other.

The weed contractor is busy all around the resort.  Now there are crews weeding the over 2000 individual sites.

Our landscapers are plugging the greens.  I guess that's what it's called??  Maybe it's aerating?

No more Food Truck visits to the park.  The one scheduled for tomorrow canceled at the last minute.  Our resident numbers are dwindling rapidly as folks head home.  Maybe these early triple digit temperatures are chasing them away.

Meanwhile, back home.  Mouse is at play.  He LOVES those nice big carry out bags from Olive Garden.  Their Buy One Take One offer feeds us for a whole week.

Kat is resting from his morning outside leash time.
