Sunday, June 09, 2024

Just weather, birds, and cats?

 It was 76 degrees when we went out to the patio for coffee at 5:15 this morning.  We brought out our nice big fan on low setting to keep us comfortable.  We are definitely into a bit of a heat wave with temps over 100 daily.  😎  Welcome to Arizona summer.

9:02 a.m. Sunday June 9 -- Just received a notice from Alexa warning us of excessive heat warning coming June 11-13.  Yikes.

It's fun to watch the palm trees break into bloom.  When the white petals fall to the ground, we call it Arizona snow.  Here's a quick picture from the tree across the street.  To some readers, this is old news but many folks comment that they had no idea this happened so I keep posting year after year.

My neighbor's cactus has a blossom this morning.  The woodpeckers love it!

We held a cell phone class again yesterday.  It was a small attendance but we had fun.  I heard from a couple people today already that they're using some of the new points they learned.
  • How to create an image sticker
  • How to add a sticker to a photo
  • How to find our keychain passwords
We demonstrated some amazing samples using CoPilot...writing essays, creating poems, drawing cartoons and designing photos.  The world of AI is amazing!

I have time to add a few Scooter pictures and then I must go to the nice cool Adobe room to play pegs & jokers with friends.  Have a great day!