Paul Andrews from London Ontario sent a big article from his recent newspaper about burrowing owls. He fondly remembers the owl nests we have across the street on Henness Rd. Yes.....our owls are still there and can be seen frequently as they perch near their nest. There are two nests on that lot so we're really lucky to have them close by.
According to Canada's list of species at risk, the Canadian population of burrowing owls reduced by 90 per cent from 1990 to 2000, and by a further 64 per cent between 2005 and 2015 with estimates of fewer than 500 breeding pairs in Canada today.
Our newly planted flowers are doing well. They're called Pentas. Potted plants are vincas. Both require at least 6 hours of direct sunshine. I think we can adequately provide that!! 😎