I know we have night time visitors near our house because our cats (Kat and Mouse) will suddenly bolt from one window to the next to see who is visiting. They don't meow, call, or growl.....but just watch intently even if our sleeping bodies are in the direct path to a window. We frequently get trampled in the excitement.
We caught a few guilty parties on our security camera.
This night there were two dark colored cats.
Here is one with white on the front.
I've seen this cat before. He's easy to identify with the bobbed tail.
An all white as well.
Another spotted calico.
This one may be a repeat but its hard to tell.
This one is different with his white feet.
Dark cat....no white feet.
So you can tell there are quite a few strays in the park.
Don bought me a new bike!! I guess I should call it a scooter. Sooooo much fun and very comfortable to ride. Top speed is 12 miles per hour so it is perfect for riding around the park.
It turns out that there are three of us!
Joy Miller and John Mikesell also have the EW-11.
We bought ours right off of Amazon and received it fully assembled at our door step.
I wrote to the E-Wheels company. When I told them we had three of us in the park, they asked for a photo to share with their staff.
John Mikesell |
Joy Miller |