It was a DANDY dust storm!!! If you were watching any of the national news channels tonight, you no doubt heard about the super dust storm that swept across Phoenix. I’m sure there will be more news tomorrow describing the aftermath.
Jan Waters (currently up in Show Low) called us about 6:00 asking how we were weathering the storm. At that point, we said “what storm??” We hurriedly turned on the TV and were awestruck at the size of the dust cloud reaching over 60 miles wide and 5,000 feet high into the sky. Awesome!! No rain….just good old desert dirt. Wow!!
The radar showed that we would be on the trailing edge so we ran outdoors to search the sky. Sure enough…there it was on the horizon. All the neighbors came outside to watch the cloud approach. Then came the wind and dirt. Ya gotta love Arizona for all the adventure it provides! It is now about 7:30 and the brunt of the cloud is past us. We didn’t get much of it but it was a good sampling of what must have hit Phoenix in full force. I’ll venture out tomorrow to see if there was any damage in the park. At this point, I don’t think there will be.
Our son, Anton, is here visiting while he waits for his furniture to arrive at his new apartment here in Casa Grande. This was his first dust storm so he donned a face mask and had to stand outside for the experience. He was quite impressed!

P.S. Thank you, Jan, for calling us!!
Jan Waters (currently up in Show Low) called us about 6:00 asking how we were weathering the storm. At that point, we said “what storm??” We hurriedly turned on the TV and were awestruck at the size of the dust cloud reaching over 60 miles wide and 5,000 feet high into the sky. Awesome!! No rain….just good old desert dirt. Wow!!
The radar showed that we would be on the trailing edge so we ran outdoors to search the sky. Sure enough…there it was on the horizon. All the neighbors came outside to watch the cloud approach. Then came the wind and dirt. Ya gotta love Arizona for all the adventure it provides! It is now about 7:30 and the brunt of the cloud is past us. We didn’t get much of it but it was a good sampling of what must have hit Phoenix in full force. I’ll venture out tomorrow to see if there was any damage in the park. At this point, I don’t think there will be.
Our son, Anton, is here visiting while he waits for his furniture to arrive at his new apartment here in Casa Grande. This was his first dust storm so he donned a face mask and had to stand outside for the experience. He was quite impressed!