Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Upcoming Events -- TNR Fundraiser

 There are some important events coming up that are not listed on the January Activities calendar.  One, in particular, is near and dear to my heart. 😍

At a recent organizational meeting, I was VERY impressed with the number of really nice donations that will be used for raffle items at this event.  A bake sale will also be included and some are planning gluten free items and recipes with low sugar content.  Lots of goodies to choose from!

Don't spend all your money at the patio sales that morning.  Come to our event and support the program that keeps our "working cats" healthy.

The iPhone classes I've been presenting have been very popular.  We've received lots of positive feedback.

Our Tuesday morning coffee was very interesting and informative.  Gabby (our GM) was available to answer questions too.

There are five more new homes to be arriving in January.  The goal is to fill in the empty lots on some streets in the new section.  

The open seating for the tribute shows was discussed.  The Fleetwood Mac show was the first time to try open seating.  The start time misprint on the tickets lead to more confusion.  Because of that, some folks who arrived expecting a 6:00 start time were told they could leave their jacket on chairs to reserve their spot and then come back for the show at 7.  Hopefully, that type of confusion will be resolved for other shows this season.  Gabby said next season's ticket book will definitely list which events are open seating and which are reserved so you can pick or choose which to attend.  Despite the seating issues, all reports of the concert were positive.

The frustration of internet service was mentioned.  Gabby assured the audience that this topic has been discussed at the highest level of Sun management.

There were over 200 people at Monday night bingo this week so game payouts were $80+.  Ticket sales start at 6:00, games start at 7:00.  That leaves you time to stop at the bistro for snacks!

P.S.  Don't forget to check out the awesome informational website at www.palmcreekinfo.com

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Don and I had a delightful Christmas Eve Day.  We had a nice lunch at the Bistro and watched the entertainment as a small ensemble played Christmas music.  The weather was lovely in the low 70s.

That evening we were entertained at the poker club potluck and wild gift exchange.

We had fun at our December 21 iPhone class.  Lots of new tips and tricks.

 By January, most iPhone users will be upgraded to the version IOS 18.2 operating system which brings many changes and interesting things to learn.  There are definitely new ways to view and share our photos.  Our January 11 class will definitely address the changes.  Learn how to share all those Christmas photos with family and friends.
Saturday, January 11, 9:30 a.m. in the SanTan Room.

I received a request to help spread the word about the Iowa State Party


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Christmas golf cart parade +

 Special thank you to all who participated in the golf cart parade this evening.  The parade itself was fun and we had a great time gathering with folks in the neighborhood as we cheered the participants.


The weather has been PERFECT for all outdoor events this week.  The parkwide Christmas celebration was very well attended....and we all enjoy having visiting food trucks.

Always need a picture with Mr. and Mrs. Santa

With all the holiday cheer, I hope some of you will find time for the second in the series of our iPhone classes.  See you there Saturday, December 21, in the Sonora South room at 9:30.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Xmas Fun + iPhone Fun


Hope to see everyone at the Palm Creek Parkwide Holiday event tomorrow...Wednesday, December 18 from 3:00 - 8:00. Come for the live music, food trucks, tree lighting, etc. The Marine Corps Reserve will be present for their "TOYS FOR TOTS" benefit event. Bring new unwrapped toys or funds to donate for such a worthy cause. Thursday is the annual Christmas Parade starting at 4:30 as they tour the Cole Circle Loop. Vote for the best decorated.

P.S. There will be NO Christmas tree at the home of Kat and Scooter. I surrender.

iPhone Tips & Tricks

Our first iPhone class was FUN and we received many compliments from those attending. There's always something new to learn in every class plus a review is sometimes helpful.....right?

Join us this Saturday for Session 2. We'll be in Sonora South at 9:30. We ask for a $5 donation to help support the blog. Hope to see you there.

Monday, December 09, 2024



Don came home from poker last night where he heard about the fun All-Star softball games scheduled for today.  I'm still frustrated that we don't have a place to advertise upcoming events.  I'm going to try.  I'll scan through Nextdoor to find appropriate announcements but I realize not everyone likes that media.  Sooooo....if your club or organization has some upcoming event to advertise, let me know and I'll try to get them posted here.  


This dog agility will be fun to watch!

With many families visiting Palm Creek the next couple of weeks, you are welcome to come watch the agility dogs practice. They practice at the agility park on Wednesday and Thursday from 9am to about 10:30am. Kids (and grown ups!) like watching the dogs compete.

Come on down to the softball field to watch the games and cheer for your friends!! Bring your neighbors and friends to start your own cheering section. Stay for a burger and a beer at the Getaway Cafe.

Don’t miss the ALL-STAR game this Monday! American League at 10:30 & National at 12. Come enjoy a day of softball, food, friends, & fun! 🥎


iPhone Class

Remember to come to my iPhone class this Saturday in Sonora South
Saturday, December 14, 9:30a.m.
We ask for a $5 donation to help support the blog.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Christmas Concert


Congratulations to the Palm Creek Chorus for another wonderful event!!  I'm always impressed with the amount of work involved to make these concerts such a success.  It's not only the well rehearsed songs sung by the choir but also the narration  and movement throughout the show.  It's fun to watch the photos on the side screens as I'm sure these are fond memories donated by friends and family.  

Among the favorites is when we have audience participation for some of the memorable songs from generations.  AND.....a special visit from old man Mr. Grinch!!

The candle light vigil at the end of the program was lovely too.  Thank you to Betty Steel and the entire cast of chorus members, set up crew, technicians, etc.  It was a successful lovely evening.

I liked the round table seating for the show this year.  It was more comfortable and made for a fun time being able to chat with neighbors and friends before and after the concert.  AND....thank you for all the delicious cookies at each table!!  The elves have really been busy!

Dan Mayer (current president of the PC Computer Club) put together a website of valuable information that will be of interest to all residents.  I've tried posting menus and activity sheets on the blog but they quickly rotate to the bottom of an entry.  Dan got the brilliant idea to post the info on one site for us!  Thank you Dan.  A link to the page will also be found at the top of my blog from now on.

iPhone Classes

Back by poppular request, I will hold a couple iPhone classes in December and January.  Even if you've attended before, there will always be something new to learn.  Come learn with us:

Saturday, December 14, 9:30 in Sonora South
Saturday, December 21, 9:30 in Sonora South
Saturday, January 11, 9:30 in SanTan Room
Saturday, January 18, 9:30 in SanTan Room

There will be something NEW in every class.  We ask for a $5 donation to help support this blog. 
 Thank you!

Monday, December 02, 2024

Holiday Craft Fair + iPhone Classes

 This special event held on December 1, featured booths exclusively set up by our gifted residents showcasing a variety of handmade crafts and unique items.  The show was a great way to pay tribute to their talents.  

Several residents and groups offer classes.  How fun to create what Julie Baker calls "Junk Art".

I used to have one of these adorable hand crafted adobe houses and so enjoyed coming to the craft fair to get extra pieces from Sharon Kidd to decorate the house.  Then we got a new cat.  LOL.  The only way to protect the little pieces would have been to build a plexiglass dome around the whole thing.  It was a FUN hobby to collect the items.

The pottery club kept themselves busy all summer by creating these beautiful napkin rings and other items.  They would really be attractive and make a fancy table setting. Join the pottery group and learn the art of pottery.

There was a great attendance so it was fun to walk around and visit with friends and neighbors.  I missed getting a photo but the Palm Creek Chorus was present and sang some holiday cheer to greet the guests.  Don't forget to get your tickets for their upcoming concert on December 5 and 6.

Chef and his crew served up a yummy "sloppy joe" sandwich with their homemade potato chips so the dining area was busy too.  They were very popular!

December Activities 

Want to learn more about your Apple iPhone??
Come to our classes!  There are so many hidden features on these phones!

Saturday, December 14, 9:30 in Sonora South (Basics + More)
Saturday, December 21, 9:30 in Sonora South  (New Features)

You'll have fun learning new tips and tricks even if you have attended my classes before.
No need to sign up....just come.  We ask for a $5 donation to help support the blog. 
Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Event Announcements

 I haven't seen enough advertising recently so thought I'd post an announcement about a couple upcoming events.

The Palm Creek Pottery Club is going to hold their pre-Christmas sale this coming Sunday, December 1 from 1:00 till 5:00 in the Ballroom.  The club members have been working on projects all summer.  Come do some Christmas shopping for special hand-crafted gifts.  They have some surprises too!

The Palm Creek Chorus has been practicing for their annual Christmas concert.  These concerts are always entertaining and its fun to see neighbors and friends sharing their talent.  Get your ticket in Activities.  

The "giving tree" is already assembled and on display in the Activities office.  Each year we try to support the Pinal County Foster Children and make their Christmas a little brighter.  Pick a tag from the tree and either choose a gift for that child or donate.  Full procedures to follow are listed near the tree.

I just saw this ad on Nextdoor.  Looks like there will be more than just the pottery.  

By the way, we had two winners with G55 at bingo tonight!!
Another lucky winner got Bingo on the 57th number and took home over $400!  Join us every Monday night.  Tickets go on sale at 6:00 and games start at 7:00.
Readers say they enjoy cat pictures from around our house.  Here's Don hard at work trying to fix a computer for a friend.  Scooter is "helping" ???

Speaking of computers and helping friends, I am frequently asked if I will present some iPhone classes again this season.  The answer is YES.  I keep finding more new tips and tricks with these phones that I'd like to share.  Here's the class schedule so far:
Saturday, December 14, 9:30 a.m. in Sonora South
Saturday, December 21, 9:30 in Sonora South
The new IOS18 will soon be published and it is loaded with new opportunities.  I especially like the "fun" stuff we can add to email and text messages.  Even if you attended our beginner class last year, there will be new stuff to learn.  There are sign up sheets on the Activities board.  I ask for a $5 donation as the funds help support this blog.  Hope to see you there.