
Friday, May 04, 2012

Early May

To all you avid readers who check in on almost a daily basis, I apologize for not posting sooner...........but there simply is nothing to write about.  All is very quiet here.  Those of us remaining are just kicking back and enjoying this awesome nearly perfect weather.  We rise and shine at the break of dawn, golf (for free!), ride our bikes, take a lovely walk, or just sit on the patio with a good second cup of coffee.  When the afternoon temps rise, we hibernate indoors to take a nap so we're refreshed to go out again when the sun goes down.  It's awesome!!

Don and I are on official housewatching duty now that so many people have left the park.  On a typical morning, we ride past the golf course to see who is out playing.  Ran into Corey and Suk Cookingham this week so made them pose for a cute photo. 

Later we found a mama dove who was trying to shelter her very young baby in the middle of someone's driveway.  Evidently the little critter fell out of a nest so mama is carefully guarding her young.

Temperatures are near perfect!

Occasionally on our rounds we come across a broken pipe that we report to maintenance

And sometimes they find the water problem before we get there.  Always leave a supply of sprinkler heads for your housewatcher because they definitely have a tendency to pop off come the hot weather.
Inside the homes we watch, we cover the toilets with Glad Press and Seal to keep the water from evaporating out of the bowls.  Don's favorite line is that he hasn't knelt before that many porcelain thrones since his devilish teenage years.

We stop and say good morning to this little burrowing owl almost every day.  He roosts on the roof of site 1160 on a regular basis.  He has two legs but always pulls one up to rest.

Here are two more dove babies that were displaced when their shabby nest blew down on a breezy day this week.

Mom and Dad were faithfully watching from above.

That's all we have to report for now.  Our first summer event will be an Ice Cream social this coming Tuesday.  Maybe that will bring some excitement.  There is no further activity over by the softball field.  All is quiet there too.
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