
Friday, April 27, 2012


Greetings to all.  Our weather is back to perfect again after we suffered through a weekend of 102 degrees.  Hope this lasts a few more weeks as we're loving it.  We did have some clouds and wind yesterday and even about 3 minutes of rain........just enough to muddy up everyone's car but certainly not enough to measure as rainfall.

The cactus flowers love this time of year as send their blossoms skyward for some fresh sunshine.  Too bad they only last such a short time.  Found these beauties at Bob and Lucy Cadwell's site 1059. 

Many of you pickleball people know A.J. Fraties.  He pedals all around the park on his scooter so you never know where you'll find him.  We stopped him this morning and teased him for being on the cell phone while driving.

Carol Hendrickson at Site 1853 laughs when she waters her flowers as a 'friend' planted a stalk of corn in one of her pots.  Flowers and corn are doing well.

Water volley ball continues as long as there are enough players to staff teams.

T'is a sad day when the flowers must leave us.  The blooms just aren't hardy enough to withstand the hot temperatures.

The front entrance looks so barren now.  I'm glad to see the little green bushes they planted last year.  At least we have something growing there in the off season.

Activity at the softball field is at a stand still for now.  The fence is down.  Guess they're waiting for the next step.

That's all my news for today. 
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