
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

We're Still Here

Are you getting tired of cactus flower pictures yet?  Sorry, but they never cease to amaze me at this time of year.  Look at all the blooms on this plant at 1729.  If they all open at once, it would be spectacular.  I don't know the folks at 1729 but if you do, you can send them the link.


My pretty yellow hibiscus (present from Jerry and Katie O'Brien) seems quite happy and brings a new bloom again.
Avis and Larry Gray sent these photos of the roadrunners they see on almost a daily basis.  They see a male and at least two females frequently. 

Here's hoping they bring the young ones around when the time comes.  Here's mama resting on their patio railing.

I've watched the morning doves many times but never saw one actually take a water bath.  We watched this guy hop in the channel stream for his bath.  He went in and out several times and had a great time of it.

Yesterday was the first of our summer events.  Free ice cream for everyone!  The following are just photos of folks sitting around the tables, but you might want to check out who is still here.  I told them all to smile for you.

We got a head count from the mail room and found there are still about 560 people here enjoying our beautiful weather.  Sometimes we need the AC on in the afternoon but it cools down as soon as the sun exits leaving our evenings and mornings just perfect.

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