
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

First Monsoon Thunderstorm


Last night we received our first rainfall since April!! Hallelujah!
We received almost a half inch so it was delightful.  Beautiful thunderstorm.

Another nice part of stormy weather is that it brings clouds to our blue sky and makes for some awesome sunsets!

Last week Weather Bug gave this prediction of our upcoming week.

Unfortunately, today we get a different view without the possibility of rain....just more HOT.  The hot stuff we can handle, but this humidity of 51% makes the air thick and hard to breathe.

Today's Casa Grande Dispatch had some interesting news. 

Scooter is doing well.  He's still adorable.  He's still full of KITTEN playfulness and joy.  He still pesters Kat until Kat jumps up high where the little devil can't get to him.  We live in a small house here but it must be like a huge mansion with exciting places to explore for little Scooter.

Don needs to learn to hang up his nicely laundered shirts BEFORE Scooter decides to nap on them.

I must hurry now and get ready to head up to the Ballroom for that wonderful Taco Tuesday!!
Have a GREAT day!