
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Weather Update

 Don and I look forward to our morning coffee together out on our patio.  We didn't stay long this morning as it was already 86 degrees by 6:00.  There wasn't a breath of wind.  Palm branches were perfectly still.  The sky overhead had a light cloud cover making it look like we could potentially have some rain.  This statistically IS monsoon season.  Dew point is 64 and humidity is 47%.  Here's hoping for some RAIN.

Here's another copy of the menu for the upcoming week.  Keep it handy.  I'll see you on Taco Tuesday. I can't resist that Taco bar!


By the way........we still have two tables of Swoop players every Monday and Friday.  Summer residents are welcome to join us!

I was asked to post this on behalf of the RC Flyers:

Most people 65 and over, who join the Casa Grade RC Flyers, can get their dues reimbursed through a special new program. Visit for details. We will also teach new members to fly for FREE. Several of our instructors live in Palm Creek.


We used to take our drone to the sky and overlook the resort. I "surfed" through old films this morning and thought you might enjoy seeing a bit of history. This is from November of 2017.

I wish we could still fly the drone but Sun Communities said no drones over the park. 😖
I dare not post without displaying cat photos or I receive complaints.

Scooter seems to think that Kat is a new toy. You can see by the expression on Kat's face that he is not pleased but he has been very tolerant.

Have a GREAT day.