
Thursday, December 28, 2023

iPhone Classes



By popular request, I'm going to conduct a couple iPhone classes again this season.  First ones are coming soon.

Saturdays:  January 13 and again on January 20 at 9:00 a.m. in Sonora South

I bought a new projector so am asking for $5 per person for the classes.  Classes will benefit both newcomers, rookies, and long-term users as there is always something new to learn.  Signup sheets will be posted in Activities.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

bistro menu 12-27-2023

 The Bistro is open at 8:00 a.m. for coffee and pastries.  Breakfast specials are available after 9:00.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Christmas Parade

 We held the annual golf cart Christmas parade yesterday under a warm sunny sky.  Congratulations to our Activities Department or whoever was watching the weather and moved the parade to Thursday instead of this Friday.  Today is cold at 54 with some nice heavy rain.

Bill DeBoard did a nice job of videoing the parade.  Here is a link to his four-minute video he posted.

Grand Marshal Flo Phillipi rode with Santa Claus!

Christmas Parade

We grabbed a couple still shots as the revelers passed by.  It was fun to gather friends and neighbors to sit on the corner and cheer for the participants.

Our friend, Janet Hoppe, gifted us a Christmas tree so Kat and Mouse could celebrate the holidays too.  I'm surprised and delighted to report that it is still standing.  😀

P.S.  Thank you to one and all for your Christmas cards, email letters, and text notes.  We love hearing from readers.  (especially those of you who can't be with us this season).....and those who went home for the holidays.  Most recently:  Dale and Bernice Merschman

Monday, December 18, 2023

Bistro Menu week of Dec 18

 This week's Bistro Menu

Don't forget the Christmas Parade this Friday starting at 4:30.  Even if you are not participating in the parade, be outside with friends and neighbors to cheer for the parade.

Correction about the card rooms:  Cathy from Activities schedules the rooms and said the Adobe room will be open for cards on both Dec 25 and Jan 1.  Swoop games will be available for those who want to play.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

25th Palm Creek Anniversary

 The park celebrated its 25th anniversary this past Wednesday.  It started with Gabby Gonzales reading a prepared speech and then turning the mic over to Marguarite Roule who briefly interviewed each of the 10 original pioneers who still reside or visit Palm Creek.  It was fun to hear their stories of favorite or memorable events they experienced here.

Then we viewed a short photo presentation from year's past.  It was nice to see familiar faces.

Following the show, we were invited to cake and coffee in the Santan room which was fully decorated for the celebration.  Our staff worked hard and diligently for a great display.

The centerpiece was this great cake with little palm trees. 

To share cake with over 700 people, our kitchen staff created all these individual decorated dishes for distribution.  Very creative!

Each of the "Pioneers" who were here in 1998 were given a nice acrylic plaque for their part in the celebration.


Just a reminder that all PC offices will be closed on Monday December 25 and again on Monday January 1.  Because of the holidays there will be no Bingo on those days plus all card rooms will be closed for private parties.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Weekly Bistro Menu

 By popular demand:

Letter from Fire Chief & Blog News

After the recent motorhome fire here in Palm Creek, we all received this letter from the Fire Chief.

Whenever there is an alarm or occurrence of any kind, we all want to know if there is anything we can do to help a friend or neighbor.  This letter reminds everyone to stay clear when fire or ambulance is in the area.


Christmas is in the air.  We've kicked off the season with the lovely Chorus Concert.  We've also had shopping opportunities via the Artisan Craft Fair plus we have the Marketplace event tomorrow and a patio sale on Saturday.  Next Friday will be the Christmas Parade so get your golf cart or bike decorations ready.


Our daily temperatures definitely reflect that winter is upon us.  Don and I still enjoy our morning coffee hour together but we are in the kitchen instead of out on the patio!  Brrrr.  Mornings are chilly but afternoons warm up to the 70s for everyone to enjoy the Arizona sunshine.

Kat keeps us company but cuddles up to the heat register as much as possible.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Chorus Concert & Motorhome Fire

 Congratulations to our Palm Creek Chorus for a GREAT presentation Thursday evening.  All those hours of practice paid off and provided a delightful evening for the HUGE audience.  So many talented people reside here.

Pianist Louise Gross provided wonderful support.  Somewhere....her past piano teacher would have been very proud.

OMG!  911 true emergency!  We first noticed the event when the fire trucks came zooming past our house going very fast with sirens, horns, and flashing lights.  That is very rare as sirens are normally turned off when they enter the property.  This was a definite exception and rightly so.

Smoke was rising from a site on Windy Cliff.

There was wonderful professional response from the CG Fire Department.

I believe we saw no less than five trucks at the scene.  Hoses were hooked to a nearby fire hydrant to fight the flames.

The fire was at a beautiful Tiffin motorhome located at site 1537.  Luckily the occupants and their dogs escaped safe and unharmed.  They are currently staying in a park rental home for recovery.  The park, friends and neighbors have donated some clothing and other items to assist them.  

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Bistro Menu 12-5-2023

 The Bistro may be closed on Thursday, December 7 due to water shut off throughout the park but this is the menu posted for the week.

The park held the first Artisan Showcase where our Palm Creek artisans and crafters could display their wares for sale.  It was awesome and VERY well attended.  It was hard to get good pictures of the booths, so I didn't get a lot of photos.

Dale Merschman

Pat Steele

Colette Bilodeau

New restaurants opening in Casa Grande

Couldn't find Mouse for the longest time.  How did he get in there?!

Friday, December 01, 2023

Bistro News, GM Announcement

 Looks like we're having more work done to the water lines.  These huge signs are posted on all the buildings so we can prepare.  That's a long time to be without water so fill some buckets so you can flush the toilets!  😃

New news from our Bistro!  Starting Monday, December 4, the Bistro will be open at 7:00a.m. for coffee and pastries.  Breakfast will start serving at the usual 9:00.  They will experiment with this time frame to see if our residents will use it.  

We received a letter in our mailboxes this past week announcing that our General Manager, Dennis Jordan, has resigned.  Gabby Gonzales will be filling in as interim manager until the position is filled. Dennis's last day was November 17.

Happy Holidays!