
Friday, December 01, 2023

Bistro News, GM Announcement

 Looks like we're having more work done to the water lines.  These huge signs are posted on all the buildings so we can prepare.  That's a long time to be without water so fill some buckets so you can flush the toilets!  😃

New news from our Bistro!  Starting Monday, December 4, the Bistro will be open at 7:00a.m. for coffee and pastries.  Breakfast will start serving at the usual 9:00.  They will experiment with this time frame to see if our residents will use it.  

We received a letter in our mailboxes this past week announcing that our General Manager, Dennis Jordan, has resigned.  Gabby Gonzales will be filling in as interim manager until the position is filled. Dennis's last day was November 17.

Happy Holidays!