
Friday, December 22, 2023

Christmas Parade

 We held the annual golf cart Christmas parade yesterday under a warm sunny sky.  Congratulations to our Activities Department or whoever was watching the weather and moved the parade to Thursday instead of this Friday.  Today is cold at 54 with some nice heavy rain.

Bill DeBoard did a nice job of videoing the parade.  Here is a link to his four-minute video he posted.

Grand Marshal Flo Phillipi rode with Santa Claus!

Christmas Parade

We grabbed a couple still shots as the revelers passed by.  It was fun to gather friends and neighbors to sit on the corner and cheer for the participants.

Our friend, Janet Hoppe, gifted us a Christmas tree so Kat and Mouse could celebrate the holidays too.  I'm surprised and delighted to report that it is still standing.  😀

P.S.  Thank you to one and all for your Christmas cards, email letters, and text notes.  We love hearing from readers.  (especially those of you who can't be with us this season).....and those who went home for the holidays.  Most recently:  Dale and Bernice Merschman