
Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Softball Season

 We should have even more fun at the softball games this year as we'll have the shaded food court area close to all the action.  Work is still underway to put in all new paving under the sun sails.

                          WELCOME To the Palm Creek Softball League

We promote fun, comradery, and safety in our CO-ED league. We seek to provide a memorable experience for all players of all levels of ability in slow pitch softball. Our league is made up of softball associations from Fiesta Grande, Mission Royale, Palm Creek, Robson Ranch, and Sundance parks.

If you are new to softball, please review the New Player tab under the Training Bar on our website: and Google:  Palm Creek Softball.

All are invited to attend Open / Drop-in play on Monday and Wednesday Mornings starting at 9am (Fall), 11am (Winter). Take some batting and fielding practice. During these times, players are assessed for ability, which then produces a ranking for draft and substitution list purposes. 

There are 3 seasons of play each “year”: Fall starting Nov 3,2022 and ending Dec 15,2022, Winter starting Jan 2,2023 and will end Feb 16, 2023. Spring starts Feb 28,2023 ending on Mar 23,2023. Our Tournament teams usually play on Friday and Saturday at various parks.


Coed Practice:  Scheduled practices are every Wednesday, from 9-11, approximately October – February.  Everyone is welcomed to attend these practices.

Women’s Team Practice:  Scheduled practices are every Wednesday, from 11-1, approximately October – February.  These practices will be a combination of batting, fielding, conditioning, and scrimmages.  These practices will be used to assess player skill levels and build the Silver Slider’s Women’s tournament team. 

Silver Slider’s Women’s Tournament Team:  Women interested in playing tournaments on weekends will be recruited from participation at Wednesday’s practice/scrimmage.  For the 2022-2023 tournament season, there is approximately 5-6 tournaments that are scheduled.  The tournament season generally runs from January – March of any given year.


For further information regarding Palm Creek Softball League, please contact:

Women’s Team Manager - Diana Pratt Wilson

Mobile: (303) 917-2941
