
Friday, September 23, 2022

Ticket Update, Flowers, Course, FOG!


The back of the order form says ticket sales start on Tuesday, Sept 28.......but that should be WEDNESDAY, Sept 28.  Best way to place your order is via email but doing it early won't do any good.  Orders prior to the 9:00 start time won't be accepted until the 29th.  9:00 a.m. Arizona time.


We awoke to some real FOG this Thursday morning!!  It may not look like a lot on this photo but it was quite a view for us as I think it's only the second time we've ever seen fog here in Casa Grande.  We have the late night rain to thank for the moisture.

Our golf course crew will be hard at work the next few weeks preparing the course for its annual reseeding.  Piles of fresh fertilizer are arriving.  

It is amazing to see how nice and green the course stayed this summer.  Normally it would be crispy brown by now but we've had nice rainfall this year.

This interesting plant is growing by the farmer statue at the 4-way stop.  Not being a country gal, I had to take a picture and let Google lens identify the plant for me.  It's sorghum.  It's like a grain or millet type of product we assume was planted as a gift from the birds who frequent the statue.  It's been interesting to watch it grow.  

Update:  Just drove past the 4-way stop and see that the flowers have all been removed so they can prepare the beds for our fall planting. 

 LOL....they left the sorghum for us to enjoy.

We saw one little duck head peeking out at us as we took the photo. 

Other than that, there's not much else to report.  I'm hearing from more and more people that they're packing suitcases and getting ready for their journey back to Palm Creek.

Kat is up to his usual antics and has to see if there is anything new in the cupboards.

Once he gets inside, he may decide to nap and take advantage of the darkness.

Other times he just wraps himself into a ball so he fits in the bed of his cat tree.

I think he uses the post to block the daylight from his eyes.

Mouse is a much more active creature.  When we dispense Temptation treats at night, Don tosses them one at a time high into the air for Mouse to capture them in mid-flight.  He's really pretty good at it.  If he doesn't actually catch them, he knocks them down before snacking.  It's cute to watch.