
Monday, June 21, 2021

Seafood, Blogger News

The Thirsty Donkey has another new owner.  It will soon become The Angry Crab Shack.  I spent some time looking over their menu.  Check it out at their website:  Angry Crab Shack  It's always exciting to have new restaurants in town.  

There was also a rumor that someone was moving into Mimi's but when I checked with the Building Department Engineer's office, they replied that no offers were made at this point.


I have some sad news regarding this blog.  Almost 700 people have signed up to receive an email whenever I make a new post.  Your response has been great BUT....I received this message from blogger:

FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner) is going away
You are receiving this information because your blog uses the FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner).
Recently, the Feedburner team released a system update announcement , that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021.
After July 2021, your feed will still continue to work, but the automated emails to your subscribers will no longer be supported.

This is sad news for many of you readers.  I don't post every day so it is a nuisance to have to log in every day to see if I've written something new.  At this time, I don't have a solution.  I looked into some other companies that offer this type of service but it sounds very complicated to get started and it's expensive!  I'm afraid without the email service, readers will miss important news flashes.  I'll keep researching to see if I can find a solution.

It is not at all unusual to find an occasional scorpion in a sink or bathtub when we do our summer house checks.  What we discovered today, however, was quite out of the ordinary.  There were at least 5 little baby scorpions trapped in a bathroom sink.  They somehow get into a sink or bathtub in their search for water but then they can't crawl back up the slippery porcelain slope.

I tried to take a video so you could see how active they were.
(Remember that any time I post a video, you can go to YouTube, search for my name, and watch the video from that site.)


I just checked the 10 day weather forecast.  It looks like our excessive heat wave is dissipating and we're going to be somewhat back to normal.

As long as the temp stays less than 110, we don't complain too much.  At least it will cool down a bit at night to make our mornings enjoyable.  Today it was still 86 degrees at sunrise.  That's too hot!

Our crews are still out there working regardless of the thermometer.  Today I spotted one of our maintenance men changing light bulbs in the lamp posts along the golf course.  These are all smaller jobs that keep our resort so lovely.


LOL.....You can't turn your back for a minute when you live with cats!  Don was diligently making a quick sandwich starting out by buttering a fresh bun.  He turned to get the meat from the refrigerator and look what he found when he turned around. 

We have a nightly routine of taking a small handful of treats and "tossing" them out to the cats.  Mouse loves to chase after the treats but Kat only wants his tossed onto the rug.  We humans are so well trained.