
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Another scooter, Grounds crew, rain, internet

We actually had a short light rain shower today!!  It was brief but we heard some thunder a few times.  How exciting!  There are no puddles anywhere and the sidewalk is still dry under the trees, but it was actual rain for the first time in many many months.  All we notice now is the humidity has soared making 90+ degrees quite muggy.

Kent Evans captured a beautiful sunrise yesterday.  Thanks for sharing, Kent!

Geney Montalvo has joined the ranks of the E-Wheels gang.  Welcome aboard, Geney.  This makes 5 E-Wheels owners.....4 red and one blue.

We saw the grounds crew working on the sprinklers along the golf course so stopped to say hello.

It's a hot and heavy job in this heat.

We had a brief chat with our Grounds Keeper, George.  Hi, George!


DISH Upgrade!

A Facebook message was posted from our management today announcing that our Dish internet upgrade is complete.  If we experience any issues, we are asked to fill out a work order at Guest Services.  Dish technicians are on-site to assist.  More info about billing procedures will follow soon.


Kat still likes to curl up in that small bed by the window.  I guess he likes to face into the post to block the bright sunshine.  The plush expensive beds we purchased still go unused.  

Have a GREAT day!