
Thursday, May 06, 2021

Walls and Roof and Food Truck

Day one of replacing all the roof tiles on the buildings around the park.  The tiles are old and do need replaced.  It will be fun to see the new look when completed.

The tiles appear to be quite loose and easy to pull off.

Then the workers toss them into that big bucket truck to be hauled away.

The exterior wall all around the resort is now painted white.
It really stands out when driving down McMurray with the green trees and shrubs against it.  Looks nice and fresh.

We had a food truck visit here yesterday.  Thank you to "the Secret Ingredient" business.

We placed our order and then could wait outside to mingle with others or go into the ballroom to have chips and salsa while waiting.

Look at this awesome cactus!!!
Thank you to Jeanine Sumption for sending this photo to share.

This photo by Jeanine Sumption

I drove over later but the flowers were already closing.

I enjoy driving around the park in search of fresh blooms.  Such pretty colors.

Yes!  This dandy lizard was about 6-7 inches long.  What a handsome devil.


Received this photo from friends in Saskatchewan this week. They had what they the last snow storm of the winter.

My thermometer reads 92 as I type this at 10:30 this morning.  😎