
Monday, May 03, 2021

Active Shooter, FOX, new furniture

We extend a thank you to the police department for being here today to talk about an "Active Shooter".  With so many incidents in the news, it was good to hear advice from the police should we ever encounter such a situation.  

The officer showed a map indicating all the active shooter incidents in the last five years.  (I "think" I remember correctly about the 5 year history.)  

The main topic was to Avoid, Deny, Defend.  
We should all be vigilent about exit points when we are in public places.

The officer left these flyers behind.  The document summarizes exactly what was related today.

We certainly had a good turn out of residents.  All wore masks with social distance seating.

We noticed new furniture in the foyer of the ballroom.  


Kathy Frania and I had an exciting experience this week.  We were visiting on her patio when suddenly a beautiful red fox came running down Cole Circle into the site across the street from us.  He appeared to be desperate to find a hiding place so wasn't there long before he ran off.  He was absolutely beautiful!!  There wasn't enough time for a picture so I copied one from the net to show you with his long bushy tail.

It has been years since a fox has been spotted inside the PC walls (at least that I know of).  I know we used to trap feral cats a few years back and every now and then a fox would be captured.  Here is a photo of a youngster that was captured.  The photo metadata dates it as taken September 13, 2009.

We certainly can't blame the animals for coming into the park since our desert is so very dry and brittle.  Here we have lush green grass, plenty of water, and a smorgasboard of ducks, doves, cats, and bunnies.  Now that so many folks are leaving, it gets quieter so the critters feel brave enough to roam.