
Friday, August 21, 2020


Yahoo!!  We had "some" rain last night.  Not enough to leave a puddle anywhere but enough to turn more dust into heavy spots on the car and windows.  Don and I did get to sit outside and watch the lightning show and listen to the rumble of thunder for the first time in months.  It cooled all the way down to 80 but the humidity went up.  Some you win, some you lose.

September 1 starts the annual scalping and reseeding for the golf course, dog parks, ballfield, and palm park area.  Be prepared for more complaints on NextDoor for those folks who don't like dust.  With the grass as brown as it got this summer without any rain, it should bring some brown clouds.

We had a bit of good news from the weather lady.  Three days of less than 110 for the first time in months.

BUT.....only 3 days.  
This constant heat is getting stressful.

I recorded this news broadcast about plants and trees.  I hope our housewatch customers will understand when they return to find less than green plants.

Those of you who are sitting in your lush green landscaping with a cool breeze passing by, know that I envy you.  😄


Mouse likes to sit looking out the window and does not like it when I pull down the blinds.

Have a good day!