
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Dust clean up

Our street sweeping contractor is hard at work trying to catch up after that last wind storm.  Granite is a big challenge due to the dirt from the open fields.  That's just something we'll have to live with till more houses get put up in that area.

The driver will make several trips up and down each street.  He has a fine water spray behind to try to limit the dust although I read on Nextdoor today that someone even complained about the dust from this truck.  <sigh>  Even if we all took our push brooms to clean up the mess, we would still stir up dust.  It's really hard to keep dust out of a desert environment.

Yes, new holes are being dug for new houses.....dust can't be helped.

Good news for our RC Advocates.  We have quite a few Palm Creek members involved in this organization.  Congrats to them.

That's all my news for today.  
I have someone waiting for me to leave the computer and come to play.