
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mardi Gras, Pottery Show, Chorus

I'm still stuck at home trying to recuperate from "the crud" but it appears that I have some "reporters/readers" out there willing to help and keep me up to date.  Thank you!  Keep the news coming.  I have plenty of time to sit here at the computer and post away.


Nellie sent a couple pictures and it sounds like everyone had a great time.

It was an awesome evening . Decorations, band & food were all amazing. Everyone there wore their hats and dressed for the occasion.  All seemed to be having an excellent time.

Kudos to Marion and a wonderful gang that she has working on the event. Things went so smoothly and fast as they had to move it from the bistro into the ball room in less than an hour.


This Sunday, March 1, from 10:00 until 2:00, come see the items on display at the Palm Creek Pottery Show.  Displays will be in the Santan Room and Sonora Rooms.

Auction runs from 2:30 - 4:30 with raffle results after the auction.  Sounds like a full day!

Carol Feimer sent these photos of auction items:


Joyce Wood and her husband Lloyd had a jam session this morning.  Three hammer dulcimer players and a guitarist from Phoenix area joined them.  

(Sorry for poor quality of video but it has been emailed and downloaded via two phones.)  Wish I could have been there to hear them play!

I tried posting with two different formats.