
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Club Blogs and Websites

I'm still quarantined to our house during recovery from this pneumonia....or whatever fancy word for "the crud".   Soooo......I spent some time this morning cruising through the list of Palm Creek clubs and activities.  Congrats to all the groups that continue to post their events and publish such awesome photos.

All the Clubs are listed at this site:

The Glass Shop is having their big annual show and sale on Saturday, March 7.  Look at all the beautiful projects they've completed.  Link to their Facebook page:  Glass Shop

The Tennis Club just finished their 2020 tournament and posted some great action shots.  See their blog at:

While I don't see a lot of photos from the Sewers & Quilter's site, I still have to credit them for posting the minutes of their meetings.  Their group is so VERY active with all the different subgroups and classes they conduct.  Link: