
Friday, October 11, 2019

October Progress

Say hello to Mark Kenner's new assistant:  It's his wife, Donna!  Welcome aboard, Donna!!

We already saw a great example of their teamwork this morning when we spotted them picking up a huge cactus arm that had fallen into the street from a resident's plant.  Good thing they both carry gloves with them!  

Mark and his team have done a wonderful job this summer of sprucing up our resort and getting ready for residents to return.

The golf course is coming along.  Still some dusty thatching to do but the front nine is turning a luscious green already.

The new street sweepers are busy at work.  They spray a light mist of water to keep down the dust.

We saw some ambitious tennis players at work cleaning the courts.
Special thanks to Mike Murray, and Hank and Gladys Olson.

It was a beautiful morning to drive around on our rounds.  It was a cool 60 degrees -- almost time for a light jacket!  We're expecting a high of 90 today.  Perfect!

We saw lots of people out working and also chatted with those who are just out enjoying the lovely morning.  Here's Ron McCartney and his dog soaking up some rays.

I was asked to publish this announcement from the Casa Grande RC club.

The Casa Grande RC Flyers, and Academy Of Model Aeronautics award winning club,
is ready to start their fall flying and event schedule. The club, with their airfield at 2725
S Isom Road in Casa Grande, will begin their winter flying schedule on November 1 st .
Club member can fly any day they desire but most of the activity takes place on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings after 9:00 AM. The club holds major
events and swap meets, raising money for area charities, on the second Saturday of
each month, November through March. The first such event this season will take place
on Saturday November 9, 2019 when the club will celebrate National Model Aviation
Day at their field with a swap meet and fundraiser for The Valley Humane Society. All
events are open to the public and there is never a charge for admission or parking.

Back at home, the cats are enjoying another home pick up from Olive Garden.  They love those bags!!