
Thursday, October 10, 2019

October Excitement

Greetings!  Welcome to the wonderful month of October!!  

Reseeding the golf course is a tad dusty and our crews are hard at work getting ready for the season.

Once planted and watered, it doesn't take long for the grass to grow.  The lawn bowling area looks great already.

Front 9 of the golf course is coming in nicely.

Our crew must plant pounds of extra seed to keep the doves happy.

It's always exciting to see the flower beds being prepped.

Driving down Granite, we saw a truck delivering some big plants.

We met Jay and Rudell Hegnes as they watched their new plants and shrubs being unloaded.  It's always nice to meet new Palm Creek friends!

Don is slowly learning not to leave his cupboard doors open while he showers.  Kat loves to "rearrange" things when given the opportunity.

Results look like this.