
Sunday, September 08, 2019

Power Outage & Internet Down

Big news from the Casa Grande Dispatch:

More than 7.000 customers in east Casa Grande woke up Sunday morning to no electrical power.  A "service interruption to a main line" caused a power outage to 7,450 customers for more than three hours in an area stretching from Peart Road to Sunland Gin Road both north and south of Florence Boulevard, according to Arizona Public Service.  The outage began about 4 a.m. and power was restored to most customers by 7:45 a.m., APS said.


Quite a few of us knew exactly when the power shut down this morning.  When your CPAP machine suddenly quits, you awaken instantly!  LOL  It made for some funny stories anyway.  To add to our woes, the internet was totally down as well.  Electricity came back by 8:00 but the internet was down for several more hours.  Dish was here bright and early to make repairs.....but they couldn't find the source of the problem.  That electrical outing must have fried some internal computer hardware.    Anyway.....we managed to somehow survive the ordeal and we're back up and running.

Gary Lambert is in charge of maintaining our internet system here in the park.  He stopped by to see us this morning and explained that Dish was here but was having difficulty isolating the problem.  Gary explained that when we want to report internet problems outside of normal office hours, we should report the issue to security at the front gate house. (520-371-5860)  Gary keeps in close contact with them and they will have the most current information.  Do not call the Dish 800 number.

I was excited to hear we have a cooling trend for a few days this week with highs back in the double digits.  Yahoo!


Did you leave food in your freezer while you are away?  There is always the a chance that for some reason the electricity is shut off  by accident, unintentionally left off after construction in the area, or storm outage.  Here is a great tip to use so you know if the power has been off for any length of time.

Put some colored water or juice in a plastic bottle and freeze it.

When you're ready to leave, keep the bottle in the freezer upside down.  When you return and the ice is still at the top, you are assured that the power has been on and your food is safe.