
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Aerial photos, replacing palm trees

Just a few aerial pictures of the main projects.

There's still not much to see for the new hotel because most of the work is underground installing pipes, wiring, sewer, etc.  

Aerial view over the main pool.  Still doing prep to lay the new pavers.

Work continues on the ballfield.

The new infield area is of special importance.

There were a number of dead palm trees scattered around the park.  This is the summer to remove and replace.  Stumps were removed yesterday.

Today new trees are in place.  They have some growing to do!

Much clean up and maintenance being done this summer.  Looks like management is attacking that ever growing "to do" list of catch up items. 

Gary Lambert was present at our coffee and donuts meeting this week to explain more about the power outage and internet crash we experienced Sunday.  He reminded us again that if we have internet issues, we should contact the front desk during the day or the gate house after hours.  He will keep them informed of the current status.

Jerry Wellman won the metal flower as a door prize from Amazing Dental.  Bob Debonville won the coveted value basket certificate from Culvers.
