
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Our palm tree & presentation

This top photo was taken on June 20.  Just one week later on June 29, you can see how those long thin branches have split and burst into bloom.

This is the time when we really become grateful for our tree trimming crew and wish for their speedy progress.  The little white blossoms come floating down like snow so blowing off the patio becomes a daily routine.  We don't mind's just an interesting part of being a desert rat and enjoying the challenge of summer.


I can tell that many of you readers are missing your desert paradise home because the stats for this blog really increase in summer months.  I check usage stats occasionally.  Thought I'd share this month's info with you.

These are the page views for the month of June:
May 31 through June 29

United States
Plus there are readers in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.  Looks like some of our fellow creekers are traveling overseas.  Thanks for signing in!!


We were invited to the ballroom for a pie social on Friday compliments of GenEx and the Hearing Center.  It was really interesting to hear about the latest advances in genetic testing and what is now available.  Both of these reps will be back later this summer so we can get some testing done.  AND.....the big assortment of delicious pies was wonderful!!!  It was a great interlude to a hot afternoon.

The "Weed Man" visited our street yesterday.  Wow!  It's a HUGE job to spray between each and every park model in this resort.  Pull out all that hose, walk between each lot, reel it all back in again and move on to another spot.  Whew.  Remember it is definitely over 105 degrees out there.  We're very grateful for the precious rain we received this past winter....but it certainly did wake all the weed seeds and bring them to life.


2019-2020 Season Ticket Book in now available online!!
Please help spread the word. Tickets go on sale Wednesday July 24th.



 I close for today with this note as it is oh soooo true!