
Friday, June 28, 2019

Lighting, movie, and heat

Today the electricians were over by the tennis courts.  I think about every light bulb in the park is being converted to LED lighting.

Amazing Dental sponsored another free movie at Harkins Theater.  We saw "Shaft".
Thank you, Andrea, for your continued support at Palm Creek.

Crews are still trimming and will be doing so on a continual basis.

All the trimmed brush gets piled up here until it can be put in these big trailer bins and hauled to the landfill.

Looks like we have a new shredder that will soon be put to good use.

The normal temperature for this time is 106.  Our forecaster says we're right on time and on average.  Looks like our nice cool morning temps of 65-75 will soon disappear.  Too bad!!

Had to laugh at this group of ducks as they seemed to enjoy a cool shower.

My "boys"  frequently hastle over who gets the top bunk.