
Saturday, June 08, 2019

Odds and Ends

Today you get a collection of miscellaneous pictures from around the resort.  No exciting news or announcements....just every day summer life.

 We spotted this small herd of ducks on the golf course and couldn't figure out what they were doing.  They appeared to be digging deeper into the grass for something.   They were very persistent as we watched for quite a while.  Any ideas what they were digging for?

Here's a short video of the dig.

Beautiful cactus blooms at Becki Andrews house at 1958.

I'm sure Olive Garden has no idea how precious their carry out bags are.  Mouse spends hours in there.

Linda Steward conducted a beginning Omaha class this past month.  Here are the happy proud graduates.

Jerry Logeman (Logie) spending court time with a friend.

Our Tapas Tuesday dinners bring out the best in our chefs.  Rose Newman brought this olive spread and had many requests for the recipe so I was asked to post it.

Here is one from Mike Kirsh for a cauliflower casserole.

This clip made me laugh out loud.
It hits home!

Don and I enjoy a morning cup of coffee on the patio before the sun heats up.  This morning Don took this photo of Arizona thunder clouds.  We are definitely into clear blue sky weather now.

Hope you all have a healthy happy week!!  Keep those emails and words of encouragement coming as your feedback definitely keeps me motivated to stay seated at this keyboard.