
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Mail Box Stuffers

We found a busy full mail box this morning with some exciting news for ALL of us!

This announcement about the green belt is old news by now but is worth repeating.

Amazing Dental continues to "amaze" us with the amount of support they share with Palm Creek.  We were treated to donuts and coffee yesterday and now there is another free movie at Harkins.

A summer pie social??  Never had one of those before.  This is sponsored by Genexe Health and the Hearing Center.  I've been to one of the Genexe presentations before and found it very interesting to learn about the genetic testing that is now available.  The info is very interesting....and the promise of a piece of pie should definitely draw us in.

Meanwhile, the absolute never ending task of trimming the landscaping continues.  This week's project seems to be along the perimeter walls.  Remember......these crews are working in 90-100 degree temps.

We saw several of the contracted street sweepers out at work today too.
The "ranch" as we affectionately call the resort is definitely getting spruced up.

Question:  Why are the sand traps roped off?
Answer:  Because they were sprayed with weed killer and they wanted to prevent people from walking through and spreading the weed killer to the green golf course.  Ropes will be removed in a couple days.


Our summer events volunteers are doing a wonderful job of keeping us summer desert rats entertained.  Yesterday we had a very interesting presentation.  (Thank you to John and Suzanne Mizer for setting up and making the arrangements.)

The main speaker was Anthony Gray:  Cultural Coordinator for the Gila River Indian Communities Tribal Education Department.  

It was a fascinating history lesson about the Gila River, how it has changed, and how it has affected the Indian tribes on the reservations.

A.J. Alaniz, middle school teacher at a local reservation school in Sacaton talked about the wonderful education programs that are available at their local school.

P.S.  ....and thank you to Suzanne and Dina for the home baked cookies!!


If there is a cubby hold anywhere in the house............Mouse will find it.