
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Our palm tree & presentation

This top photo was taken on June 20.  Just one week later on June 29, you can see how those long thin branches have split and burst into bloom.

This is the time when we really become grateful for our tree trimming crew and wish for their speedy progress.  The little white blossoms come floating down like snow so blowing off the patio becomes a daily routine.  We don't mind's just an interesting part of being a desert rat and enjoying the challenge of summer.


I can tell that many of you readers are missing your desert paradise home because the stats for this blog really increase in summer months.  I check usage stats occasionally.  Thought I'd share this month's info with you.

These are the page views for the month of June:
May 31 through June 29

United States
Plus there are readers in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.  Looks like some of our fellow creekers are traveling overseas.  Thanks for signing in!!


We were invited to the ballroom for a pie social on Friday compliments of GenEx and the Hearing Center.  It was really interesting to hear about the latest advances in genetic testing and what is now available.  Both of these reps will be back later this summer so we can get some testing done.  AND.....the big assortment of delicious pies was wonderful!!!  It was a great interlude to a hot afternoon.

The "Weed Man" visited our street yesterday.  Wow!  It's a HUGE job to spray between each and every park model in this resort.  Pull out all that hose, walk between each lot, reel it all back in again and move on to another spot.  Whew.  Remember it is definitely over 105 degrees out there.  We're very grateful for the precious rain we received this past winter....but it certainly did wake all the weed seeds and bring them to life.


2019-2020 Season Ticket Book in now available online!!
Please help spread the word. Tickets go on sale Wednesday July 24th.



 I close for today with this note as it is oh soooo true!

Friday, June 28, 2019

Lighting, movie, and heat

Today the electricians were over by the tennis courts.  I think about every light bulb in the park is being converted to LED lighting.

Amazing Dental sponsored another free movie at Harkins Theater.  We saw "Shaft".
Thank you, Andrea, for your continued support at Palm Creek.

Crews are still trimming and will be doing so on a continual basis.

All the trimmed brush gets piled up here until it can be put in these big trailer bins and hauled to the landfill.

Looks like we have a new shredder that will soon be put to good use.

The normal temperature for this time is 106.  Our forecaster says we're right on time and on average.  Looks like our nice cool morning temps of 65-75 will soon disappear.  Too bad!!

Had to laugh at this group of ducks as they seemed to enjoy a cool shower.

My "boys"  frequently hastle over who gets the top bunk.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Activity Update

Starting the day early with a cup of coffee out on the patio.  The sky looks pretty and our tree is definitely in line for it's annual trim.

So much work is being done around the resort but I don't seem to be in the right place at the right time to get photos for you.

All the lights on the pickleball field, all the lights in both Building A and B are being converted to LED lighting.  The pickleball will have 150 watt LEDs for evening play.  Sorry I didn't get out there for a photo or two.

I found part of the crew in the front offices this afternoon as they were changing out the lights.  Again, it's not much of a picture but I had to get back to our card game and couldn't stay to watch.  I have priorities!!

Pickleball courts are being washed and getting a fresh coat of paint.

The weeding process has been delayed because of so many windy days.  Can't spray in the wind!  After an area gets sprayed, a crew has been going around to dig out the weeds as well.  It seems like a monumental task.  Weeds are determined to grow!

I do my share for some of our housewatch customers by pulling out the tallest weeds from the front beds.  I don't pretend to get them all but it's kinda fun to yank on a few to make the beds look better.

We found this cute little butterfly fluttering his wings but not flying away.  I wonder if he was just trying to cool down.

Speaking of action's a short clip of one of the scorpions we came across recently.  I always ask folks to leave the circuits on so we can turn on lights when we enter houses for inspection.  It's scary reaching into a sink in a dark room.

Just driving down Oasis, you would hardly notice the cute bird nest atop this metal cactus.

Upon closer inspection, mama dove is right there in the heat of the afternoon sun.  Early morning gives her shade.

She's probably sitting there to keep the eggs Cool in the afternoons.  LOL

This bunny better stay hidden.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Orange Ribbons

What are the orange ribbons for on some of the palm trees??

The trees with orange ribbons are on contract with an outside company to be trimmed due to their height or placement that is not suitable for Palm Creek equipment.

Someone let me know when this contractor is here as I would like to see the equipment they use.

Palm trees then and now

This picture was taken in August of 2005 shortly after we moved into our house on Starry Night Lane.

This is a photo from today.  Look how much the palm trees have grown!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Drone of westside plus more

There is some activity on the site in front of Palm Creek where the new hotel is supposed to be constructed.  It has been idle for quite a while but progress may now be starting.

Happy Birthday to Rita Carson.  Rita is considered the "senior" pottery client as she is celebrating her 91st birthday with family and friends in the pottery room.   Pictured with her is her daughter Terry Honodel, who is also a Potter, and her son Kendall. Kendall and his wife are residents though they are gone for the summer and flew in just for Rita's birthday. Terry's husband, Scott Honodel, is also a potter and a member of the PC maintenance it was a great family affair.

Big news for Casa Grande.  JB's restaurant on Florence Blvd closes.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Palm Trees

We watched the tree trimmers again this morning.  This is a daily occurrence at this time of the year and is certainly a lot of work!

 There are currently over 3200 palm trees in the park.  It takes about 6 weeks to get them all trimmed by doing about 75 per day.

This is a good photo showing some trimmed and some not yet trimmed.  It certainly makes a big difference.

When the trees are in full bloom like this, the little white flower petals sprinkle down like snow.

It leaves the streets and our patios covered in the white petals.
The street sweepers will get a good work out when the trimming is all done. takes a steady crew to pick up all the debris.
Go Jaime Go!!

The park purchased a wood chipper this spring that will be used to chip all of the palm fronds and will save money on green waste pick up from the city.