
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Fun Stuff

Water volleyball held a special event again this week.  This badminton game placed some targets (circle of noodles) on one side of the net.  Participants used a racquet and a wiffle ball to try to land in the target.

Gayle Schendzielos was first place winner followed by Erin and Bill.  Congratulations!!

This challenging game really looks like FUN!!!

The poker club volunteers give Texas Hold'em (and Omaha) lessons every Wednesday morning.  This week they held a tournament just for their students.  Proud winners were:
First:  Ken Stanton, Second: Mac Kryzanowski, Third: Sue Nigg

I'm sure you'll see them at the tables.

Don and I drove home from our bridge game last night and had to stop to admire the "worm moon".  An article in the Dispatch explains it as a worm moon because the full moon appears on the spring equinox bringing the worms to the surface of the earth.  Sounds weird but with that light cloud cover, it was certainly beautiful.

The new fountain in the main lake really looks nice.

We took a walk this morning to enjoy the beautiful weather.  That new fountain looks pretty by day also.  The ducks seem to enjoy it too.

This happy couple can be seen in the creek almost every morning.

We noticed some activity by the solar lights that line the cart path through the course.  Yahoo!!!  They're converting from solar to electric so the path will finally be lit at night.  So happy to see that as the path is dark without them.

Maintenance electrician is busy at the huge project.

That's my news for the day.  Must now hurry off to other activities.  
Kat and Mouse are still active here at home.  Mouse tends to follow Don wherever he may be.  Here he's hiding in the closet to keep an eye on Don while he works on his computer.

Bathroom resting place.

Have a GREAT day and enjoy this beautiful weather!