
Saturday, March 23, 2019

End of Season

It's late March and the season is winding down.  We took our morning walk across the golf course and stopped by the pond to enjoy the scenery.

This anhinga was sunning himself and didn't pay any attention to us.

On the other side of the bridge, this mallard came very close to say good morning.

Later in the day, we enjoyed the end of season party sponsored by the park.  Over 1,286 meal tickets were sold so the lines were long but the food was great!  Robin and her staff continue to do a wonderful job of serving delicious foods.

Bicycles seem to be the favored mode of transportation since parking is at a premium these days.  Better for our health too.

Don sent the drone up in the afternoon to watch over the lawn bowling and scan over the center park for a view of the crowds.  Video quality isn't the best.  Ran into a few computer glitches.