
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Update to Mahjong Players

Party Day Change

Due to the threat of inclement weather, we've changed our party plans.

Friday, February 15, will be a regular play day at the north pavilion for those willing to play outdoors.  A cancelation will be obvious if it is raining although the pavilion is covered so you can always drive by to see if any of us die-hards are there.

Our party is rescheduled for Friday, February 22, when we have our regular North and South Sonora room reserved.  We can anticipate at least 50 people so I'm sure we will have plenty of food.  Any type of finger food will be welcome.  (Even nutritious stuff like deviled eggs and cut up veggies.)  Feel free to bring a store bought item.    Don't let the food issue keep you away.   Players are still welcome even if they don't bring anything other than their pleasant personality.  (Of course, a special dessert is always appreciated.😀)

May the Jokers be with you.
Sue Hepler