
Friday, February 08, 2019

Mahjong Update

This post is an update to all of our Mahjong players.

CONGRATULATIONS to all who donated items to create our basket for the Cancer Awareness Silent Auction.   We have it on good authority that the basket brought in $175.  That's a GREAT contribution from our small group.

We've started to collect $2.00 from each player so we have a "kitty" fund to pay for supplies and prizes for upcoming group events.  In return, each member gets a dragon sticker to wear on their badge.  The dragon sticker attracts attention and starts conversations about the Mahjong game.  Our FUN and strategy play is attracting attention and bringing more players into the fold.  

We're grateful to have both the Sonora North and South rooms on Fridays to accommodate our growing group.  We currently have 12-15 tables each Friday so are grateful for the room.  

We plan to have a Valentines Party on Friday, February 15 but found we are ousted from our room due to the set up for the big quilt show that weekend.  Therefore, we're going to move the party outdoors to the north pavillion.  The theme is "Sweets for the Sweets" so bring your favorite sweet treats to a recipe if it is a homemade item.  With your recipe on display, members can take a photo to copy the recipe.

The weather man is threatening clouds and possible rain for the party day so stay tuned to this blog and Nextdoor for last minute cancellations if necessary.  We WILL have a party but it may not be on that day if weather doesn't allow.

That's the news for now.  Have fun and may the jokers be with you.