
Wednesday, September 02, 2015


Look!   Look!  Look!.......this week's forecast actually has a day under 100 degrees!!  Yahoo!!  Certainly hope that's a sign of cooler temps to come.  We're ready!

We spotted a curve-billed thrasher this morning.  They have a wide variety of song and love the fruits of the cactus plants.  

Here's a sample of his song:  

 Activity at the new pickleball courts.

Digging holes for the light poles.

Running electrical lines to the pool and hot tub area.

So much underground work to do.

Taking down part of the softball fence so machinery can get in to dig the pool.

Don wants to be the first one to stand in the middle of the pool.  Of course he doesn't swim so this will be his only chance to get in that pool.

Work continues around the new houses in the area.  Operating one of these tampers or compactors has to be a tough job.  Seems like it would be enough to jar one's teeth loose.

The five houses on one side of the street are done.  Now they're digging holes for houses across the street.

Work continues on the new streets.

Whoops....we missed some photo ops as we find one side of the curb is already poured.  That certainly didn't take long.

If you want a new home on a golf course site, you'd better hurry.