
Monday, August 31, 2015


Monsoon storms continue to plague us.....mostly in the evenings toward dusk.  

Winds get tough with strong gusts.  I suppose we'll have to go around up stand up some tipped over flower pots and BBQ grills again tomorrow.  When you leave here, be sure to secure all outdoor furniture, plants, and equipment.  We have STRONG wind gusts quite frequently!

We're amazed at all the new houses that are arriving and how fast they get set up.  I guess practice makes perfect!  It's not just Blount's crew that gets credit for a set up.  Here's our housekeeping team getting a house ready for inspection.  That's Dora outside washing the windows and Marie is helping to clean the outside and new sidewalks.

Over in Phase 3, the tonka trucks are still active digging, smoothing, and leveling.

 Empire Fence has been busy on the new courts.  It's like a giant erector set to put it all together. 

Here you can see those "boulevards" we mentioned previously.

Cement trucks abound.....not only in construction areas but around all the new houses.


and steps.

Here's some progress on the new streets.

Yesterday we saw the crew dropping off these boards....and today they're getting installed for the next phase.

This is like the form for the new curbing that will come shortly.

Finishing touches on the new house on Granite.  

I like to show these pictures so you get a feel for how much work is being done throughout the resort.  Crews are busy everywhere.....and remember that the temps are over 100 degrees EVERY DAY.

On the way home, we spotted Fred and Popkorn out for their morning coffee before they start their daily round of golf.  There's always time to say "Howdy".
