
Thursday, August 01, 2013

Construction Progress

We weren't alone out there this morning.  A baby roadrunner was checking things out too.

Do you get tired of seeing pictures of dirt?  Pretty soon we'll have roads.  


More jackhammers up at the Bistro.
Looks like they laid carpet to try and protect the patio from tractor marks.
....and built a ramp so as not to crack the edge of the cement.

The eastern edge of the golf course is getting some remodeling due to the new houses being built on that side.  Digging a new trench for a water line so rolled up the sod.
Building a new tee box on #17.

This photo from Lillie Corbitt

The sage bushes are just beautiful this time of the year!!  This one belongs to Lawrence and Sandra Magee at Site 1710.  What a beauty!

I have no exciting announcements or earth shattering news for you today but hope you enjoyed our tour this morning.  Maybe I should change the name of the blog to something more appropriate like "Morning Tour with Don and Sue".

Just found these photos in my email from Kent Evans.  Thanks, Kent!  Time to trim those big tall trees up by the main pool.
Photo by Kent Evans

Photo by Kent Evans
It's a LONG way up those trees!!!!!
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