
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Construction Updates

Another new casita arrives.

It was a steady stream of big dump trucks yesterday!  Looks like most of the sublayer is down and is now getting compacted.  Pouring may start tomorrow if weather permits.
Summer monsoon sky is just awesome.  Always beautiful.
The construction company has a big street sweeper.  I learned that they are required by law to sweep Cottonwood Lane where the trucks come in and out to keep gravel off the roadway and avoid stone chips to windshields of cars.  It's very kind of them to also use that big machine to sweep our interior streets.  Thanks!
The purple Mexican sage is in bloom all over now.  Driving down McMurray is delightful with so many purple bushes.  I took a couple picture around the resort today.
I liked the reflection off the pond.
I have another correction on a previous blog post.  I thought the pink squares in this photo behind the bistro were for the fire pits but I was wrong.  The squares are where the steel beams will go for roof supports.  Must dig  holes for the footings.  There will be three fire pits plus a big fireplace available for our winter comfort.  This really should be a nice area when completed.
Funding from Sun Communities seems to keep pouring in to our lovely park.  I don't have photos to show of all the deliveries being made but we got some much needed golf carts this week including an 8-seater for the sales department, a new utility cart for the housekeeping staff, plus a regular cart for maintenance and one for the rangers.

Furniture:  We have new chairs or stools for the stained glass room, the sewing room, and the pottery room.  There are new chairs for the bridge room and for all the poker players.     AND....especially for our bingo players and the play performers we get an upgraded sound system.  Will get more details later.


Have you visited Sun Communities website?  It is all updated now and includes links about Palm Creek.  If you click on "Join Our Team", and watch the video, you'll see some scenes from our resort along with some of our employees.  Very nice and professionally created. 
Sun Communities

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