
Thursday, July 11, 2013


Looks like the concrete intersections are about done out in the construction area which brings us another step closer to getting the gravel layer for the new roads.

Work continues at Palm Park as they finish off the electrical lines and put in the drip systems for all the new trees and plants.

Say Good Morning to Roger Balzan on his way to work at the front gate.

We even found Steve Endsley at work trying to finish off a few jobs he started before his accident.  He is definitely restricted to LIGHT duty though since he has to have back surgery on July 17.  After the surgery, he'll be down for another three month recovery.  We sure miss him around here.  He was definitely to GO TO person for those odd handyman chores around the house.

I received two phone calls from fellow residents last night alerting me the big haboob dust storm that was headed our way.  I kept going outside to watch the sky but never really saw the typical wall of approaching dust.  The sky was indeed unusual and changed dramatically as we scanned the horizon.

Avis Gray sent me this photo as the haboob appeared over the open area near the pickleball courts.  I guess the cloud must have passed us overhead.  We know there was definitely dust last night because our patio was covered with it this morning.

We spotted Luis emptying out the main laundry room yesterday.

He has instructions to empty out the room in preparation for expanding the fitness center.  I don't know any details of the project yet so be patient. 

Sun Communities has made ANOTHER major investment for Palm Creek in that we have 35 new computers installed in all the offices.   We're also getting a designated server room that will be set up over in the sales office.  Members of corporate IT staff were here working with Gary and Valerie yesterday.


Now for some fun stuff to end today's post.  Doug Conkle sent me a link to this fun and interesting website where you can learn all kinds of stuff about the area surrounding a particular zip code.  Enter your home Zip code and read the interesting facts of your community.
Get the Skinny on your Zip Code


Not the words every husband should utter.

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