
Friday, July 12, 2013


Yup.  They're still out there playing pickleball in the early mornings.  I believe they start around 6 or 6:30.  Call it crazy or call it devotion to their sport but they're out there having a good time and enjoying the exercise.  


(To Tony:  You'll have to send me your email address.  pickleone@cox bounced back.)
We called everyone to gather for a group photo.  Guess who showed up last!  Hi to Ed Brown!!
I took a photo from the front so Don took one from the back. Leave it to my hubby!

Say Good Morning to Eddie from our maintenance staff.

Looks like they're still working on some sewer issues or water valves.  There is obviously something of interest down there in that hole.

All the oleander bushes are now planted along the exterior rim of palm park.  Lots of drip system work going on.

That's all the activity we came across this morning but will keep you posted when I find out more.

In the mean time, here's a couple photos for our fellow pet owners:

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