
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Progress on new streets

Looks like the curb machine is almost finished lining the new streets.  Next comes the gravel layer.

This man was pulling up all the metal stakes that held the string line.
We had another big thunderstorm last night with a little more rain.  Put the two storms together and I doubt you'd get a whole inch, but every drop is precious to our desert.
The sky was so pretty this morning and had a little trail of rainbow filtering from that big white cloud.  I had to add a little color saturation to the photo in order to get the rainbow to show up.  You can learn all those little tricks with Picasa.  I've heard from quite a few readers who want to sign up for classes this coming season.  
Here's Nick back to cleaning the pool again.  Windy days are always a challenge to keep the pool clean but it is a lot easier now with that line of oak trees gone.
There was wind again but nothing too serious this time.
Don sprayed off our patio to rid a few layers of dust.  In the process, he chased this little tree lizard out from his hiding place.  I think the little guy went into a state of shock when he got blasted with a shot of water from the hose as he just seemed to go dormant.  It is certainly unusual to be able to pick one up and hold him for a moment.  He wasn't harmed though.  After being gently placed back into the flower bed, he soon scooted away to shelter.  We thanked him for another blog opportunity.  :)
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