
Monday, July 01, 2013

First Haboob of the Monsoon Season

Don and I went to the movies last night to watch "The Heat" with Sandra Bulloch.  What a hilarious movie.  Loved it.  As we were entering the theater, our cell phones all started chiming about a dust storm alert from our weather apps.  Yes indeed, we did have a dust storm.  No photos though because it was dark out and we were inside the movie.  We could tell it had been quite windy as there were numerous trees down within the mall complex including this one that landed on a customer's car.

We stopped in at the Cactus Moon for a quick beer (with Avis and Larry Gray) before heading home........when the sudden unexpected RAIN came pouring down.  This was really weird because no rain was in the forecast at all and it poured for about 15 minutes.  Precious rain!  Can't remember the last time we've had any rain.

So...........we were up before sunrise this morning for a fast cup of coffee on the patio (82 degrees) and we headed out to check for damages around the park.  Nothing too serious to report.  We met Bob Herinck checking on his houses and we also came across Fernando and Clint who were looking for damages as well.

We found a chair and returned it to its owner.



This big beautiful tree toppled over behind a house on Coyote Lane at 1337.  Looks like it came out roots and all.  Wind was from due south.
Sure hope no one was at home when the porta potty took a tumble up by the north wall. 

This doesn't show any damage.  Just wanted to show you that the curbs are coming in for the new streets.
We hit 117 here yesterday and Phoenix claimed 119.  The air conditioning was ON at 90 in this house we inspected this morning, but the candle is still melting.
Surprise!  We spotted Sandi Milner out sweeping her patio this morning.  They sold their home in Colorado so are using their park model here for the summer.  Keep the broom handy as you'll need it again before summer ends!
That big agave sprout that reached above the street lights has tumbled down.  They will have to saw it into smaller pieces before it can be hauled away.
Here's another little agave plant that blew over in the storm.  They don't have many roots left as the plant is designed to die after sprouting.
Found some blown out siding at a couple houses.  Owners have all been notified.

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