
Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hello again.  It has been a busy week of "wrapping up" near the end of the season so I just have some tidbits to share today.  First a selfish moment to share this picture of our cat.  She was just watching us from her comfy bed but I thought she looked cute and cuddly so picked up my camera to capture the moment.  

Mike Salter was again a guest speaker at a Windows 8 class this week.  Several folks came because they plan to buy a new computer this summer and wanted a sneak preview as to what they can expect from the new operating system.  Others who have already purchased were eager to learn more about navigating through the tiles and apps.

 I have one more Picasa workshop scheduled for April 4 at 9:30 in the Ocotillo Room.  These workshops are fun because we learn more editing techniques and ways to enhance our photos.  If you have time to join us, just send me an email or sign up in Activities.

*Special Notice:  I made a publication error on March 19 when I announced the trophy winners for the Texas Hold'em tournament.  I typed "The final trophy winners were:  Avis Gray and Don Nunley."  Mr. Nunley promptly let me know that there was only ONE trophy winner and it was him.   Okay, Don, the record is now corrected.  Congratulations.

(Don wasn't really complaining.....he's just teasing me so thought I'd get back at him by posting him here.)  

Oh my gosh!  Look what happens if you don't pay your rent on time!  

This photo of Al and Betty Roussey was sent in by one of our readers who thought it would make a cute joke for the blog.  
Another poker tournament!  This time it was the Omaha tournament of champions.  Congratulations to Jim Jansen (center) for coming in first.  Don Hepler was second, Rick Hendrickson third.  I love it when hubby comes home with all that cash!

While out riding my bike this week, I saw the green heron down in the creek by the water fall.  Couldn't get a nice sharp photo, but this one will do.  
Kent Evans spotted a new bird to add to our list of feathered friends.  He saw these Neotropic Cormorants out on the pond at #13 this week.  Great job, Kent!!

At Bingo this week:  another LUCKY winner.  Ron Dutcher was here for a short time to visit with friends who are staying in the park.  They talked him into coming to bingo this one time to give it a try.  Ron bingoed on the red jackpot card and walked away with a check for $943.  Talk about beginner's luck!!

John Ross is still busy with his balloon rides.  He came over pretty low the other morning so I ran outside to grab a quick picture as he passed over our house.
Hi John!
Speaking of rides.............I asked Ron and Lois Paul if I could have a ride in their cool car.  We rode all around the park and I waved at folks as we passed by.  
Thanks for the ride Ron!  
There seems to be no end to the list of "boys and their toys" at Palm Creek.  Whoever thought that retirement would be this much fun!

That's my post for today.  Now I'm making a second cup of coffee and heading out to the patio to sit in the morning sunshine.  Have a GREAT day everyone.

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